Wayne township Assessor's Office
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150 Years




Notes from the Assessor
From the Spring, 2013, Wayne Township Newsletter

My staff and I completed the 2012 assessments in September, 2012.  The final date to file a 2012 assessment appeal was October 19th.  Assessment appeal hearings were held in December.  Board of Review decisions were mailed and published in late February, 2013.  Update:  The Publication and mailing date for Board of Review Decisions is March 20, 2013.

We are now working on the 2013 assessments, which we hope to complete by August, 2013. As the real estate market has continued to stagnate, assessments have been decreasing each year for the past three years, and will be reduced again for 2013.  

As a reminder, my office cannot control the overall level of taxation through assessments; rather, we can only ensure that the tax burden is spread fairly among residents. 

If assessments are reduced, but spending by taxing districts remains the same, tax rates will automatically increase, allowing the taxing districts to collect the same tax dollars. 

Unfortunately, although the assessments have been reduced significantly, most taxing bodies have either maintained the same spending levels or more likely, increased them, resulting in increased tax rates.  In most cases, tax rates have increased by a greater percentage than the assessments have been reduced, resulting in higher taxes each year.

To review the information in your property assessment record, visit our website and register for the advanced property search.

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