Wayne township Assessor's Office
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150 Years




2023 General Assessment
Posted December 12, 2023

My staff and I completed our work on the 2023 General Assessment on November 13, 2023.  The DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments will publish the assessments in the Examiner newspapers on December 13, 2023, and will mail General Assessment notices on that date.  All property owners will receive notices.  The final date to file an assessment appeal for 2023 will be January 12, 2024.

Because 2023 is a General Assessment year, each neighborhood was reviewed, and assessments were adjusted to bring the median level of assessments closer to 33 1/3% (one third) of market value.  Assessment changes are based on sales activity from the three years prior to the assessment date.

 Because home prices have continued to climb over the past several years, many neighborhoods experienced significant assessment increases.  The equalized assessed value, multiplied by three, represents the estimated market value of the property as of January 1, 2023.

If you want to appeal your assessment, you must provide evidence that shows the market value of your property (the assessed value multiplied by three) is overstated, based on sales of similar properties, preferably located in your neighborhood.  

 You can also appeal based on assessment uniformity, by providing comparisons to similar-sized properties in your neighborhood with similar features, that have lower assessments.

 The amount of assessment increase is not a valid basis for an assessment appeal, nor is the amount of the tax bill.

I do expect that many property owners will want to discuss their assessments with our office staff.  We will be very busy with calls and walk-ins during the next several weeks.  We will do our best to respond to inquiries as promptly as possible.  Thank you for your patience.


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